When my parents and sister were here, we paid a visit to Abingdon. Although we soon discovered that Abingdon did not necessarily have all that much to offer, we (or rather my mum and I) did stumble upon the immense treasure trove of Mason's fabric shop.
Immediately, my mum and I were salivating. We were in fact so taken with the place that, after we'd driven back to Oxford to drop off Alan and my sister, who were going to a lecture in London, we came back especially to Abingdon to feast our eyes on the goodies in the fabric shop.
We were in their for almost an hour, until closing time, and we felt pretty panicky, as there was just soooo much fabric and we simply couldn't decide which ones we wanted; it was pretty obvious, however, that we definitely had to buy something! My poor dad must have been pretty bored...
In the end, my mum bought a nice autumnal selection to make this autumn leaves quilt. I came up with a similar colour range:

Yum, they're like sweets. So lovely. I spent the whole way back looking at my yummy fabrics. My mum advised me to start on a fairly simple quilt, which can be extended to something quite large (such as a wallhanging to replace our brown one?). So we decided on this one:

I also bought this strawberry fabric, although it doesn't go with the other ones. It was just too good to leave:

Yesterday, I decided to go back to the fabric shop. See, I now have loads of material and ideas, but not the right equipment. For one, I needed a quilt ruler. And while I was there, of course I had to have another (lenghty) browse.
These two dinky ones suit the strawberries above, I think:

The pink floral one on the right (a bit over-exposed in the picture) goes well with the selection of pink fabrics I used in my first cushion cover. Speaking of which, I was also hoping to find a fleecy fabric with multi-coloured cats on it for a cushion cover. I'd seen it before, but unfortunately it was all sold out. But I thought these wicked ones would do just as well, once made into a fiery patchwork:

The yellow one is so pretty, and the flame-y one was just too fun to leave.
Alan has been requesting a table-cloth for our coffee-table for a while, so I had a look for anything suitable, and found this one:

So, lots of fabulous niceties to work with, now! I can't wait to get started!
Finally, a picture of my lizzard mosaic which my parents brought over with them:

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