Well, I've got my camera back (my friend wasn't allowed to take any pictures in the Bodleian, predictably), so I can now get down to business in the world of blog!
My boyfriend and I recently moved in together, and although it took a while, I'm really loving our new flat now. We're still adding touches to it, but this is what it looked like when we first moved in:

We had an unbelievable amount of stuff, and because the college had been less than helpful in allowing us to move in on time, poor Alan had had to move all his stuff, plus 70% of mine which I had already taken to his room, into two lockers, from which we then had to carry everything back to our flat again. It was a very tiresome process....

We've come a long way! Moving in was such a nightmare, but it really is beginning to feel like home now. We've been ordering lots of things from Argos, among which, that lovely pinewood chest of drawers which I'm currently painting! It's going to be my bedside table, and as our bedroom is a bit dark and grotty-looking (and smells of stale smoke - thanks, previous inhabitants :( ), I wanted it to be really bright and cheerful. So I went to Homebase and spent about an hour in there, comparing different shades of paint and trying out crazy colour schemes; luckily Alan didn't come with me, so I could make this important decision in my own good time! I finally settled on a shade of yellow dubbed 'Tibetan gold' or something similarly poetic, and had a lovely bright shade of blue made up especially for me. Not till I got home did I realise I had opted for the exact colour scheme of a certain Swedish furniture giant:

The other exciting project is my plan to make my very first ever quilt. I visited Oxford's only fabric shop yesterday, and was pleasantly surprised by its size and stock! I came home with some lovely fabrics and a great deal of enthusiasm; let's hope it won't end in disaster!

Yay, so pretty. But first, after lunch, I'm going to be putting a second coat on my chest of drawers!

2 opmerkingen:
Jippie, nog een blogger in de familie!!!
Leuke foto's... jullie huisje wordt erg mooi en lekker Ikeaans :)
Ben jaloers op je stofjes, ik wou dat ik ook in dat winkeltje was geweest!
Succes met klussen en bloggen!
Liefs van je grote zus.
Mmm, ik heb het gevoel dat ik ook een officiƫle blog moet beginnen. Wat zijn we toch een crea-bea familie! Ik ben tegenwoordig ook helemaal into zelf dingen knutselen, verven, enz. Mjin toolkit is niet zo ge-wel-dig als die van jullie, maar het felle groen van het HEMA-gereedschap dat ik heb, verdient ook een vermelding. Wie had ooit gedacht dat ik nog eens mijn eigen kruiskopschroevedraaier zou hebben - en gebruiken!
Nou, als je nog interieuradvies nodig hebt, dan kan je wel bij mij terecht, hoor! Vooral garderobekastne in elkaar draaien kan ik erg goed.
Hoop dat ik binnenkort jullie huisje kan bewonderen!
Liefs van je kleine zus.
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