Despite this excitement, I've been keeping busy with my creative projects. The IKEA coloured chest of drawers has now been painted several times, and I've started decorating it. This is what the drawers will look like (the yellow doesn't look that bright because the flash is off):

That's me in the process of decorating it, which has been slightly nerve-racking as I keep accidentally smudging the freshly painted blue decorations! It took me a while to do it, but I'm very pleased with the results so far. Hopefully Alan will be able to put the drawers together this weekend, when we'll also be rejoicing in the arrival of our new sofabed, which is coming on Friday! And maybe we'll go shopping for some teacher-clothes for me; I badly need some nice new clothes!
I also manfully got to work on my inaugural quilt, despite not really possessing the necessary equipment, such as a quilt ruler and fabric cutter, or basic math skills. After I had cut my second layer of fabric, I realised I had made a few major errors in measuring:

I had completely miscalculated the angles somehow, so it turned out a bit wonky and less wide than I intended! Oh well, it was not a total disaster, considering I'm doing everything by hand. I tried to avoid making the same mistake with the next layer, but then I mismeasured that so it's much too narrow! Oh dear; well, I suppose it's only a first effort!

Hmm... I'm not giving up though - I secretly feel I'm not doing too badly here! Well, Alan is retiring to read his new biography of Clarissa Dickson Wright. I'll end with a gratuitous picture of our olive plant (go olive plant, soak up those rays of early autumn sun!).

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