First of all, there is what's going on inside. This is a picture taken a few days ago of the sprout seedlings desperate to get out of their shared tray:

I was putting off the potting process, as my mum had warned me that ten sprout plants were just too many, and I couldn't bring myself to discard any. Eventually I worked up the courage, though, and eight sprout seedlings made the transition successfully. Here they are, together with some tomatoes:

I was a bit worried about the tomatoes, as I seem to have hacked off quite a bit of their tiny little roots in the potting process, but they appear happy enough. Here is another bunch "toughening up" in the spring breeze:

Onto the garden itself, then. Now, it's been looking pretty dull and bleak, but yesterday I did enliven it considerably with the erection of a wigwam for future beans:

See? Now at least there is an expectation that something will be happening at some point. That dark line on the right marks the position of the rainbow chard, which I sowed this morning. I've also sown sweet pea around the wigwam, while we're waiting for the beans.

I hope there will be at least a few bits of green peeping out of the clay when I return!