The day itself was all work and no play, as I was making dinner for a number of friends. I spent the whole day shopping, chopping, slicing, grating, kneading, mixing, cooking, baking. I've never seen so much lasagna!

After all that hard work, the table of goodies did look very appetising, if I do say so myself!

My friends bought me some very lovely gifts. I was especially taken with the 'Quilting Techniques' book, which was very handy and full of good ideas.

But the best present came from Alan. Admittedly, I may have dropped the odd hint or two, since the school doesn't appear to have any working clocks:

I've been slaving away at the plot, and still haven't finished my first round of digging it up! It's such hard work, especially in the rather lovely weather we've been having (hot!!).
I did, however, procure some fetching gardening gloves in order to avoid any nasty infections.

That trowel is slightly optimistic at the moment, but maybe I'll actually get round to planting something soon!
1 opmerking:
Simon en ik zitten hier te likkebaarden voor de computer... wij willen ook dat heerlijke eten proeven!!!
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