But it has been busy; too busy to write about the Saint Nicholas party we had last weekend! I did not want the traditional Dutch Sinterklaas to pass unnoticed, so I invited a few friends and I spent a day baking pepernoten, the spicy little biscuits that accompany the festivities. I love them to bits myself, and I even made some more to hand out to my pupils on the last day of term.

One of my friends is also Dutch, and he brought along a fabulous surprise (pronounced a la Française) containing some lovely gifts, accompanied by a brilliant poem. Though his Sinterklaas did look slightly scary!

I had done my best to get as many traditional sweets as possible, including these cute marzipan beasties.

I had also made a little surprise for Alan in the form of an effigy of himself:

I had also made him a marzipan 'cake' with candles, as it was his birthday the week before. Somehow he acquired three bottles of port in the course of the evening!
All in all it was a very good night. We played a game in order to win presents, and there was some fooling around with the fur hat Alan had brought back from Budapest.

It was very gezellig!
2 opmerkingen:
Zeker gezellig! En uitgebreid!
Wat heb je toch een rottig leven !!
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